Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment
Building Your Support System

This worksheet is designed to help people think about the people in their support system and the kinds of support they might be missing. (social support, 0116)

Understanding the Messages You Received As A Child

This worksheet is designed to help people examine the explicit and implicit messages they received as children and how these messages affect their self-image and self-efficacy. (0415)

Domestic Violence Safety Plan

This form can be used to help women increase their degree of safety and make appropriate choices for themselves and their children. Sections include what to do after a violent incident, what to think about when leaving an abusive situation, how to be safe in your own home, what to take when leaving, and more. (domestic violence, trauma, abuse, relationships, 1120)

Recognizing the Symptoms of Child Abuse And Neglect

This fact sheet was developed by the Child Welfare Gateway and should be given to anyone who works with children. It defines the various types of child abuse and neglect according to Federal guidelines, and can be helpful in detecting signs of abuse or neglect.