Creating a Music Playlist to Shift Your Mood

This worksheet suggests that people make a playlist to help them shift their mood if they are angry, depressed, anxious, or upset. It guides them to select a song that reflects their current feelings, and then several transition songs. The playlist ends with a song that could trigger a desired emotion. (0624, depression, music therapy, mood, emotional regulation)

Do You Have a Hard Time with Changes in Your Life? (Teens)

Teens face constant changes and transitions and many have a difficult time with these challenges. This worksheet asks teens to divide a circle into four quadrants: thoughts, feelings, challenges, and opportunities. Then it asks teens to explore each of these areas as related to a current change they are dealing with. (0424, transitions, divorce, school problems, friendships)

Are You Feeling Lost Or Overwhelmed About Your Future? (Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help teens create a visual roadmap of their journey after high school. It helps them clarify their goals, develop coping skills to deal with anxiety and anticipate obstacles. (0424, transitions, anxiety, worry)

Using Behavioral Activation to Feel Better (Teens)

This worksheet introduces the concept of Behavioral Activation to help depressed teens participate in activities that lead to enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment. (0324. depression)

The Positivity Journal

This journal is designed to use the principles of positive psychology to help people develop a more optimistic view of the world. The daily worksheets are designed to help people identify their mood, develop the habit of gratitude, pay attention to positive events, and work towards their goals. The Journal consists of 31 pages for a month’s worth of entries. (0224, positive psychology, daily journal, optimism, CBT).

Strengthening Your Relations (Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help teens build strong peer relationships. It asks them to explore their relationship goals and gives concrete steps to help them connect with others. (0124, Asperger Syndrome, friends, social connection)

Creating a Safety Plan (Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help teens with suicidal ideation think about the things they can do to keep themselves safe. The worksheet helps teens think about their coping skills, identify people they can talk to, consider places they can go to feel safe, and identify hotlines they can reach out to when they feel they are in danger of self-harm. It ends with a one-page summary for them to fill out and keep with them. (0124, suicide ideation, DBT, BPD, bipolar)

Signs I am in Crisis

This worksheet is designed to help people identify signs that suggest they may be experiencing a crisis. The worksheet includes a checklist of symptoms as well as techniques that can help them deal with the acute stress. It concludes by asking people to identify friends or family who can help them get through this difficult period. (0124, depression, suicidal ideation, stress)

Your Thoughts Can Change

This worksheet is for people who are having thoughts about suicide or self-harm. It is designed to provide insight into the nature of these thoughts and help people understand that these thoughts can change over time. (1223, suicide prevention, thought-changing, CBT, cognitive restructuring)

Get Out of Your Thinking Trap (Teens)

This worksheet helps teens understand the various kinds of dysfunctional thinking like catastrophizing, all-or-nothing thinking, discounting the positive, and more. (1123, depression, anxiety, CBT, Cognitive Behavior Modification)

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