The #1 Clinical Software for Therapists, Counselors, and Coaches
Are you still using last-century therapeutic methods to help your clients? We’ve combined evidence-based therapies with groundbreaking technology that can accelerate client growth by 30% or more.
Find out how all of our one-of-a-kind tools can help you engage clients like never before.

6 Clinical Tools That Will Change Your Clients’ Lives
(And Yours, Too!)

1. The World’s Only Interactive Mental Health Platform
Unleash your creativity and your clients’ creativity, with the Virtual Counseling Rooms software. We’ve married evidence-based psychology with some unique technology. In minutes you can create telehealth Rooms with animation, video, audio, gamification, and more.
You can create Rooms with our Templates or create Rooms from scratch.
Best of all, your clients can use the Rooms you create whenever they want, adding their own images, audio, and video.
Your clients will love the Virtual Counseling Rooms!

You can add any of the 15 therapeutic elements, plus any worksheet, audio file, video, YouTube, and more, to a virtual counseling room.
2. A Library of 3,000 Evidence-Based Tools
Our tools include worksheets, audio files, printable games, assessment forms, and practice management forms. We guarantee you will find the exact tool you are looking for, and if we don’t have it, we’ll create it for you!
You can purchase an individual Library or our entire Library, and every one of our memberships includes our Psychology Forms Filler (See #4). With our Psychology Forms Filler, you can modify any tool and send it to a client to fill out online!
You can use our tools in-session or between sessions as psychological homework assignments.
Our collection also includes 24 workbooks, which can be sent to clients to print out and complete online.

3. PsychWrite
Did you ever imagine that you could create Treatment Plans in 10 minutes or less? We spent a year building our AI-assisted Chatbot, which can not only write Treatment Plans, but it can analyze completed client homework, create a psychoeducational handout, write a letter to client or a professional, and more.
Everything you create can be edited and saved to a client timeline, pasted into another EHR system, or saved as a PDF.
Like all our software, PsychAssist is HIPAA and GDPR compliant.

4. Progress Notes Generator
About a year ago, we were talking to one of our members who spent all weekend writing Progress Notes. We thought this was not how therapists should spend their time “between sessions.” That’s when we started working on our AI-assisted Progress Notes Generator.
With our Progress Notes Generator, you can upload a recording (audio or video) of a session or just a quick dictation you made after a session is over. Within minutes, you will get highly detailed notes, which include a Summary, Highlights, Assigned Tasks (both for the therapist and the client), Indicators of Progress, Indicators of Continued Problems, and Indicators that urgent issues need to be addressed. If you prefer, you can also save your notes in SOAP or DAP formats.
Of course, our notes are entirely editable and can be saved as an MS Word or PDF file.
I love the AI-generated progress notes. They are amazingly accurate and helpful…a game changer.
-Christina Dawn Wafer, Ph.D.
5. Psychology Forms Filler
The Psychology Forms Filler allows you to modify any one of our tools or forms and make it your own.
With one click from our Library you open the Psychology Forms Filler and add text, images, pages, and even notes to your clients.
You can send a tool to your clients via our secure network to fill out online and they can send it back with a single click! Our Psychology Forms Filler is included in all of our memberships.

6. Social and Emotional Learning Workbook Creator
Our latest innovation will be available on April 1, 2024, and it will amaze you! With our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Workbook Creator, you can create a personalized workbook for a client or create a generic workbook for your practice, agency, or school, in less than an hour.
Our software goes into our database of worksheets and, based on your keywords or a client’s Problem Checklist, selects the most suitable worksheets. You choose the ones you want to use, create a custom cover, and with one click you will generate the workbook as a PDF file, complete with a Table of Contents.
You can then share the workbook with a client to print or fill out online using our Psychology Forms Filler or Virtual Counseling Rooms.

“Thank you! I’ve been using Between Sessions for about three years. I really love it and it makes my life as a therapist so much easier. The majority of my patients are from managed care. I’m sure you know that insurance companies like a briefer, more focused therapy model. Your worksheets and workbooks really help me achieve that goal. I also think the idea of homework is more effective for anyone. I utilize your workbooks and worksheets almost every day.”