Resources From Our Members

Our mission at Between Sessions Resources is to provide unique and effective tools to help people with mental health problems. And over the years, we’ve found that many of our members have the same mission. On this page, we will be advertising products and services created by our members. If you have a product or service that you would like us to advertise, please fill in the box below. This service is 100% free to our members.

Hire a Mental Health Writer

When you invest in high-quality, well-researched, clearly written mental health content, you can grow your business and connect with the clients who need you. Let me show you how high-quality writing can make a difference on your website or blog.



Contact Angie Doel for all your mental health writing needs.


Learn More About Attachment Theory

Attachment theory and its applications for formulating and understanding both adult, youth and child patients, clients or students. This course starts at the very basics of attachment theory and builds towards more advanced applications. This course is suitable for both newcomers to attachment theory as well as those with prior knowledge.


Click Here to Learn More


New Course on Coping with Anxiety

10% Discount Code: R0CFAC3W5

Anxiety can show up at the most inconvenient times! Sometimes we don’t even know why and this can make it even worse.
This online course outlines scientifically-backed skills and strategies that help reduce anxiety efficiently and effectively.
Designed by Dr. Lillian Nejad, clinical psychologist.

Visit the Website





Advertise Your Product/Service Here

If you are a member of Between Sessions, you can advertise your products or services here. Your information will appear on this page, and if appropriate, it will be featured in our weekly newsletter.