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If you are in the business of helping others, we can give you the tools you need to do your job even better. We offer several different membership plans with different features. Choose one that works for you And sign up for your 14-DAY FREE TRIAL for immediate access.

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Why Choose Between Sessions Resources?
Increase Client Growth By 30% Or More
We’ve looked at all the research on outcomes measures and included four ways to accelerate growth using our Library of Tools, Session Feedback Form, Self-Efficacy Scale, Progress Metric.
Increase Client Involvement
Professionals are often surprised at how much their clients appreciate “between session” tools. Therapeutic homework has been shown to decrease client no-shows and dropouts.
Thousands of Tools a Few Clicks Away
Sometimes even we are surprised at the depth and breadth of our Library of Tools. So much for so little! And of course, we add a new tool every single workday – many at our members’ requests.
Measure Therapeutic Alliance
Do you know the best way to achieve a positive Therapeutic Alliance? It’s through feedback. Our Session Feedback Form gives you all important client input on what is working and what isn’t.
Let Clients Fill Out Forms Online
Forget about the “old days” where you had to print out forms and worksheets to give to your clients. Now clients can fill out any PDF file online and send it right back to you with one click.
Edit Any PDF with Ease
Our Psychology Forms Filler makes it easy to edit any of our tools or any other PDF you might have. Add your logo and practice information in a few minutes. You can even extract tools from one of our many workbooks.