Intake Room
About This Technique
Self-care and self-compassion are considered to be essential elements of good mental health. Self-care refers to behaviors that people employ that show an understanding of the importance of living a lifestyle that takes into consideration the needs of others as well as yourself. Self-compassion refers more to a cognitive sense of self-acceptance as imperfect human beings. The techniques in this room can be particularly useful in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders and healing after a loss or a trauma.
About This Room
This room features a Self-Care Card Deck, as well as an audio (Self-Compassion Break) by Dr. Kristen Neff, a pioneer in studying self-compassion. The Room also includes a Self-Compassion Scale and a chart for recording self-care activities.
Using the Elements in Other Rooms
While you may want to use this Room as-is, you may also want to add the Content to other treatment Rooms. The content can be found below. Follow the directions to add it to any VCR Room.
Click here to open the MP3 file. Then right-click to download to your computer. Finally, upload the MP3 file using the Audio Uploader Element.
Click here to download the PDF. Then upload the Scale using the PDF Uploader.
When you click the Card Deck Element, you can add a deck to any room. Click “Switch Deck” to choose this 48 Card Deck. Note that you can add cards or edit selected cards when you select the Edit button.
This video was created by the School of Life. It explains the reasons why self-compassion and self-care are needed. To add this video to a Room, use the Upload Youtube Video Element and copy and paste the linK
Click here to find additional content for the Virtual Counseling Rooms.
Resources on Self-Care and Self-Compassion
Self-Compassion.Org is the website of Dr. Kristin Neff, a pioneer in the research and teaching of the use of self-compassion in psychotherapy. The website has a variety of self-compassion scales as well as audios.
Presented by Pesi Healthcare, The Transforming Power of Self-Compassion: A New Paradigm for Deeper Healing and Lasting Change features training from six of the leading innovators on self-compassion. There is special pricing for members of Between Sessions Resources. The training includes up to 6 CE credits included in the price. Click here to learn more.

“Transforming Power of Self-Compassion: A New Paradigm for Deeper Healing and Lasting Change”
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