Thank you! Click the links below to download your free worksheets.

Develop Daily Habits to Support Your Goals—This worksheet helps people create a plan to develop daily habits which can reduce stress and move them closer to achieving their goals.

Thinking About the Consequences of Your Behavior—This worksheet teaches children about the short- and long-term consequences of their behavior.

Become a Better Listener—This worksheet teaches the Listening Cycle, a research-based approach to helping people become better listeners.

Evaluating the Problems in Your Relationship—This worksheet encourages couples to identify problems they are experiencing in their relationship and start communicating about them.

Why Am I So Sad?—This worksheet helps teens understand that sadness is a normal emotion and that if it continues over a period of time, they can find ways to cope with it, particularly with the help of concerned adults.

Ethical Payment Practices for Therapists—This document outlines ways therapists can adhere to sound ethical practices regarding fees.

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