The Smartest Psychotherapist That Ever Lived

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How to Use PsychAssist

PsychAssist is an AI power Chatbot specifically designed for therapists and counselors. It is HIPAA compliant and can be used for all your Electronic Health Records. 

Like other Chatbots, you can talk to PsychAssist refining your output to your exact needs.  But unlike most Chatbots, PsychAssist output is fully editable.  It can easily be saved as a MSWord document or a PDF.

Like all Chatbots, the quality of the output will largely depend on what you tell it you want.  This information is called Prompts. On this page, we have gone into detail on which prompts work best with which use cases, so we encourage you to review the page carefully. If you have questions about using PsychAssist, please contact us at We provide our members with ongoing and unlimited support. 


View this video to get an overview of how to use PsychAssit

WriteTreatment Plans

The quality of the Treatment Plan will largely depend on the Prompts you use.  Provide as much detail as possible, using the Suggested Prompts on the right as a guide.  However, if you don’t get the exact results you want, just ask PsychAssist to modify the Treatment Plan with specific instructions.  When you are satisfied with the results, click the Save/Edit button and  modify the Treatment Plan.  Don’t forget to name the PsychAssist document at the top of this page. 

Once you have modified the Treatment Plan, you can save it to the Client Timeline, copy and paste it to a different EHR system, or create a PDF. You can go back to modify the Plan at any time from the Client Timeline. 


Suggested Prompts

Write me a Treatment Plan for (Name) a (age) year old (gender) who has been diagnosed with (diagnostic category and code). The Treatment Plan should address (presenting symptoms) and other concerns like health, family issues, etc). (Name) is presently (describe any important context).  (Name) is seeking treatment for (primary concerns of client). Please write a Treatment Plan with (# of) goals, (# of) objectives for each goal, and (# of) interventions for each objective.  Suggest interventions from (the modalities you prefer for this client) therapies only. 


Sample Prompts

Write a Treatment Plan for Walt, a 45-year-old man who has been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder. He is divorced with no children. He is particularly worried that his psychological problems are affecting his work as an accountant at a large corporation. His biggest fear is that he will be fired. Walt describes himself as extremely lonely and rarely goes out socially either with friends or family. He wants to go to therapy to “be happier” and stop worrying so much.  Write a Treatment Plan with 4 goals addressing the problems I mentioned, with 2 objectives for each goal, and 2 interventions for objective. Suggest interventions from DBT and ACT therapies.

Analyze Assignment Worksheets

Giving home assignments to clients is so important and yet it takes a lot of time to understand the meaning of completed written assignments. But you can upload completed homework assignments in minutes and get a meaningful analysis of a completed assignment with implications and recommendations for treatment. 

Once you upload a completed homework, you can ask PsychAssist to summarize the homework, analyze it for meaning, and to give you recommendations for treating this client. 



Upload the completed homework assignment by clicking the blue box.

Suggested Prompts

This is a completed psychological homework assignment filled in by (Name of Client) a (age) (gender) struggling with (the problem as it relates to the assigned worksheet). The worksheet is about (purpose of objective of worksheet). Please summarize the completed worksheet, giving me as much detail as you can. Then give me suggestions that would be useful (client’s name) therapy. 


Sample Prompts

This is a completed psychological homework assignment filled in by Sarah a 45-year old woman struggling with do deal with her son. The worksheet is about trying different behavior. Please summarize the completed worksheet, giving me as much detail as you can. Then give me suggestions that would be useful Sarah’s therapy. 

Analyze Data

Data can be collected by clients for a variety of variables, including, behaviors, thoughts, moods, triggers, and so forth. 

You can send the data collection form to your clients through our Psychology Forms Filler or put the form in a Virtual Counseling Room.  




Suggested Prompts

I have uploaded a (name of data collection form) for (name of client), a (25-year old) (gender). Please analyze the (type of data collection form) and give me information about what the client filled out.  Please give me detailed information on the variables of this form as well as a summary.  Please indicate if you think there are signs of improvement or signs that the problem is getting worse. Please let me know if you patterns in (Client’s Name) responses. Please include recommendations for therapeutic interventions. 


Sample Prompts

I have uploaded a Purging Log for Mary, a 25-year old woman. Please analyze the log and give me information about what she filled out.  Please give me detailed information on the variables of this form as well as a summary.  Please indicate if you think there are signs of improvement or signs that the problem is getting worse. Please let me know if you see patterns in this log. Please include recommendations for therapeutic interventions. 

Psychoeducational Handouts

Psychoeducational handouts can be very effective in facilitating counseling, coaching, and therapy.  Using PsychAssist you produce highly informative and empirically based advice specific to a client’s needs in just a few minutes. 




Suggested Prompts

Please write a handout to give to the (describe the person or people who will be using the handout).  The problems I want this worksheet to address are (describe the problem that the handout will address in detail). Please base the handout on (give a theory or research parameters regarding the source of information). 


Sample Prompts

Please write me a handout to give to the parents of a 10-year old boy, Matt.  Matt has ADHD and has behavioral problems at home.  Matt’s lack of focus makes it hard to do homework and to follow even basic rules. Please compile a list of 10 parenting tips that can help Matt’s parents relate to their son in ways that research has shown is best for children with ADHD. 

Write Emails or Letters to Clients or Professionals

Often professionals put off writing letters or emails because these can be time-consuming tasks.  But with PsychAssist you can write correspondence in minutes by just putting in the correct prompts. Once you are happy with what is written, just copy and paste it into a word doc or into an email. 

Click here to find Prompts for different kinds of letters you might want to write to clients or other professionals. 




Suggested Prompts

Please write a letter to (name), about (purpose of letter). Let him know (any pertinent information, like an attachment).  Let him know that (most important points).  Ask him to (requests of the recipient). Sign the letter, (Your name and contact information).   

Sample Prompts

Please write a letter to Dr. John Smith, about client Jane Doe, regarding the medication he has prescribed to her. Let him know that I am attaching a summary of her progress for him to consider in prescribing the medication. Let him know that I am concerned about possible side-affects, including her weight gain and difficulty sleeping.  Ask him to contact me to schedule a phone consultation. Sign the letter, Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D., psychologist. Also include the date, and my contact information which is:  4 Main Street Smithtown, MA, 11111 Phone: 111-111-1111 Email:

Write 504 Plans for Students

A 504 plan is a school plan for students with disabilities that gives them equal access to learning and removes barriers. It can be used for students with both mental and physical disabilities and is most commonly used for children with ADHD and learning disabilities.  The 504 plan focuses on classroom accommodations and is differentiated from an Individualized Instruction Plan (IEP) which focuses on instructional methods and supplementary services. 




Suggested Prompts

Please write a 504 plan for (name of student) who is a (age and gender) in the (grade level) grade and has been diagnosed with (type of disability). (Name of child) has a difficult time (problem to be addressed) (school setting plus other settings that may be relevant). Please give me at least 5 accommodations that have been successful with this type of student.

Sample Prompts

Please write a 504 plan for Allan who is a 7-year-old boy in the second grade and has been diagnosed with ADHD. Allan has a difficult time paying attention and completing assignments both in school and at home. Please give me at least 5 accommodations that have been successful with this type of child.

We're Just Getting Started

The Future of AI and Psychotherapy

At Between Sessions Resources we believe that technology can play an important part in finding new and improved ways to help people with mental health problems.  Technology is changing the world at a rapid pace and you can count on us to continually search out new ways to help you in your work paying attention to highest ethical and professional standards.

Try Our Chatbot Prompts Today

Ready to take your therapeutic practice to the next level? Try out our PsychAssist chatbot prompts and see the difference they can make. We value your feedback and are here to assist you with any questions or concerns. Your insights help us improve and tailor our tools to better serve you and your clients.