Sending Tools to Your Clients

You can also use the Psychology Forms Filler to send clients your own forms. Once you sign in to your account, click on the Psychology Forms Filler in the navigation. Once you upload the form you can edit it some more or send it directly to a client. Please be sure to save an edited form on your hard drive. Click here to see a tutorial.

Upgrade At Any Time!

You are currently enrolled for the Coaching Library, but you can upgrade to get more tools at any time. Upgrade to ALL LIBRARIES to get access to every one of our tools for your practice. To upgrade go to “My Account” in the navigation and click on “Change.” Then click on the new membership you wish to have. You immediately have access to the new membership level once you put in your credit card.

Editing Our Tools

We make it easy for you to edit tools for your clients. Simply click “Edit/Send” and this will open the Psychology Forms Filler displaying the selected tool. On the left, you’ll see a variety of editing tools. Once edited, you can send a tool to a client, and/or download it to be saved on your hard drive for later use. See Resources/Tutorials in the top navigation to learn more about using the Psychology Forms Filler.