Scribble Your feelings (Spanish)

This simple assignment can help people get in touch with their feelings.

Fostering Closeness in Your Relationship (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help couples find activities that would be mutually enjoyable. (relationships, marital therapy, couples counseling)

Expressing Your Feelings Through Physical Affection (Spanish)

This form is designed to use with your partner to assist with physical demonstrations of affection that best express your feelings.

Expressing Yourself to Increase Intimacy (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to increase intimacy by sharing more and expressing yourself with your partner.

Thinking Flexibility (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help become more open-minded and compassionate, and learning to think flexibly.

Increasing Intimacy Through Verbal Communication (Spanish)

This form is designed to help increase intimacy by developing and prioritizing effective verbal communication.

Sticking Up for Yourself (Spanish)

This form is designed to help become more assertive in communicating effectively but respectfully with your partner.

Developing Assertive Communication Skills (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help you express yourself clearly through assertive communication.

Reduce Your Need to Control Your Relationship (Spanish)

This worksheet helps people see that trying to control their partners can can lead to resentment and emotional distance. It is designed to help people find other ways to get what the need in a relationship. (marriage counseling, 0329)