Spanish Language
Are You a Hoarder? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people determine if they have a problem with hoarding and to learn initial strategies for cutting back on their need to acquire and collect objects, (0119)

Are You A Distracted Eater? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people who eat excessively gain more control over their eating habits. (eating disorder, binge eating, overweight, weight loss, 0918)

Are Financial Problems Affecting Your Relationship (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help couples identify the communication problems in their relationship regarding their finances. It is intended to help couples develop more productive strategies for resolving their financial concerns. (marriage and family therapy, marital counseling, conflict resolution, 1118)

Am I a bully? (Spanish)

This worksheet presents characteristics of bullying behavior for kids to rate themselves

Adopta una actitud orientada a las soluciones

Esta hoja de trabajo está diseñada para ayudar a los adolescentes a encontrar formas positivas de afrontar sus problemas (terapia orientada a la solución, afrontamiento, 0320)

Accepting Imperfections (Spanish)

This form is designed to help in accepting imperfections with others.

5 Steps to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people find a way to deal with recurring intrusive thoughts. It asks people to learn and practice a 5-step procedure of accepting rather than fighting their thoughts. (anxiety, GAD, OCD, 1118)

Family Dinner Card Game – Spanish Version

Spanish Version – The Family Dinner Card Game was developed specifically for families coping with issues brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. This easy-to-use game has 104 cards that build family support and bonding. And it’s fun! The game also includes blank cards for families to write their own questions. (prevention, communication, family therapy, 0520)