Things That Make You Smile

This simple exercise encourages people to think about the things that make them smile and to practice “random smiling” through the day. In doing this, people can learn how easy it is to get in touch with their positive emotions.

Finding People to Help You (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help children see that there are many adults around to help them in times of need. It asks children to think about the people around them (teachers, counselors, etc.) who can give them support and to identify specific times they might seek adult guidance

Making a New Plan (Spanish)

This worksheet directs children to be flexible in their thinking and to come up with a new plan if an old one doesn’t work. A great conversation starter for introducing the concept of flexible thinking.

Focusing on Good Things That Happen (Spanish)

This worksheet was designed to teach children how a positive attitude can help them become more resilient.

Solving Your Problem in Five Simple Step

To solve a problem using five simple steps.

Feelings Charade (Spanish)

The game of feelings charades helps kids learn to read the non-verbal cues signify different emotions. (0717)

When you are supposed to pay attention (Spanish)

This worksheet will help kids and teens identify behaviors that distract others.PDF

What makes adults mad (Spanish)

This worksheet helps children think about things they might do to get adults mad. PDF

What happens when someone dies (Spanish)

This worksheet will help children talk about their concerns about what happens when someone dies. Keep in mind that talking about death is an ongoing discussion, and make sure they know that they can ask questions and talk about their feelings at any time

Thinking about bullies (Spanish)

This worksheet helps children think about how to respond to a bully.