How to Treat Others (Spanish)

This worksheet can be used to help children learn important rules about how to treat others. Form Type

Playing Quietly (Spanish)

This coloring worksheet helps kids play quietly

Know How to Ask For Help Note (Spanish)

This worksheet can be used to children who are having difficulty asking for help. They can fill out the help (with or without the aid of a counselor) and then give it to the appropriate adult.

Just Scribble (Spanish)

This worksheet can be used for two purposes: to help people relax when anxious or stressed and to help people think about their feelings.

What Makes You Feel That Way? (Spanish)

This worksheet can help people gain insight into what triggers different emotions

Words You Want to Hear

Everyone likes encouragement, but most people don’t get enough support when they really need it. This worksheet is intended to help people think about the words they really want to hear and give themselves “self-support” anytime they need it

Tell the World (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people think about what is really important for them to communicate to others. It asks people to design a billboard for the world to see and to identify one specific person they want to read it

Draw a Picture of Someone That Really Makes You Mad (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help kids express their anger through art.

Talking About Your Emotions Helps You Manage Your Anxiety (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people identify their moods during the day and talk about their feelings to someone else. Copies should be made, and the worksheet should be used for a minimum of seven days.

Talking to A Friend Who is Angry (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help children see the hidden rules about their social behavior. It specifically asks them to identify the hidden rules about how to approach a friend who is angry. The worksheet can be used to spark a conversation about hidden rules.