Leadership Coaching
Adjusting to Dorm Life

This worksheet is designed to help new college students have a better experience in their dormitory.  It suggests specific ways to deal with roommates while also paying attention to their own wellness needs.  (0522, college, relationships, transitions, adjustment)

Reducing Defensiveness

This worksheet is designed to help people who typically react defensively when they receive negative feedback or criticism.  The worksheet gives 11 strategies to reduce defensiveness and a “quiz” which can help people determine if they are becoming less defensive. (0422, communication, relationships)

Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with difficult people can be a significant stress for many people, but this worksheet gives you practical techniques to help reduce this stress. The worksheet also includes a chart to help you evaluate the interactions you have with the difficult people in your life and determine what helps and what doesn’t. (0322, social skills, relationships, interpersonal skills, DBT)

Practicing the Triple-A Listening Technique to Improve Listening Skills

This worksheet describes a “Triple-A Technique” listening technique that involves:  Attitude, Attention, and Adjustment.  It includes a brief assessment to help people see if they have problems in listening and lists some basic active listening skills.  The worksheet includes a chart to help people practice this technique. (0322, communication, listening skills, ADHD, ASD, Asperger Syndrome)

Map Your LIfe to Make Changes

This worksheet helps people identify the changes they want to make in their lives, the things that are holding them back, and the “bridges” they need to build to get where they want to go. The worksheet uses the metaphor of a map to help people see what they need to create their own future. (0222, problem-solving, goal setting, beliefs, executive functioning)

Building Your Confidence

This worksheet gives people ideas on how to improve their confidence by recognizing their skills and talents, understanding how a lack of confidence is holding them back, and creating a self-talk script. (1021)

Develop Daily Habits to Support Your Goals

This worksheet helps people develop a plan to develop daily habits which can reduce stress and move them closer to achieving their goals (0821, coaching, goals)

Communicating Like a Leader

This worksheet helps people identify specific communication skills that will help them be better leaders.