
Our coaching forms cover a wide variety of issues in the areas of self-growth, life skills, and wellness.

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Cultivating Humility

This worksheet is designed to help people become more humble to gain social acceptance. It includes seven strategies to help people who have a problem with arrogance and vanity. Questions are designed to help people explore the importance of having a self-image that takes into account reactions of others. (0323. relationships, social skills)

Creativity Meditation (Audio)

This four-minute audio meditation is designed to stimulate problem-solving and creativity. (0323, problem-solving, stuck, stress reduction)

Building Self-Esteem: Mindfulness Exercise

This Mindfulness Practice asks people to think about how they show their competence, how they inspired or encourage others, and how they see daily possibilities in their lives. (0323, mindfulness, self-esteem, positive psychology)

Building Your Credibility

This worksheet is designed to help people build their credibility in the workplace and in the community. It suggests 12 ways to build credibility such as being open to new ideas, being transparent, and communicating clearly. The worksheet includes a chart for people to record their “credibility practices” for a month. (0323, workplace issues, self-esteem, relationships)

Do You Resist Change?

This worksheet is designed to help people who resist change, even when change may lead to the resolution of problems and happier lives. The worksheet gives seven strategies to help people see the benefit of changing. It includes questions for people to answer regarding what they fear about change, what is holding them back, and what are their core values. People are challenged to do at least one activity a week that pushes them out of their comfort zone. (0323, coaching, transitions, symptoms)

Regain Your Self-Respect

This worksheet is designed to help those who feel that they are unworthy of the love and respect of others. It covers 19 strategies for a person to regain his or her self-respect from learning to say ‘no’ to developing a sense of integrity.  The worksheet includes a simple “test” for people to determine if they need to work on their sense of self-respect. (0223, self-image, depression)

The Divorce Workbook

This 196-page workbook provides clients with 41 therapeutic homework assignments to help them navigate and recover from divorce. In completing these assignments, clients identify what to do immediately following a separation, manage their thoughts and emotions, focus on self-care, and eventually move forward with their lives. (0123, divorce, separation, marriage, couples counseling, marital therapy)

Do You Attract Toxic Relationships?

This worksheet is intended to help people determine if toxic relationships are a problem for them and explore ways to address this pattern. A scorable checklist is included to rate the toxicity of the relationship from moderate to severe.  Then suggestions are given to help people break a pattern of being in toxic relationships. Readers are asked to think about how people from the past may have set the stage for toxic relationships. (marriage counseling, family therapy, relationships)

Using the SCAMPER Problem-Solving Technique to Increase Creative Thinking

The SCAMPER problem-solving technique encourages people to use their imagination and creativity to generate new ideas. The method includes 7 phases of exploring solutions.  The worksheet takes the user through the 7 steps with in-depth questions. (0123, problem-solving)

Coping with Failure

This worksheet is designed to help people cope with failure using a 7-step process.  (0123, depression, work issues, self-esteem, self-efficacy)