
Children learn best through play and we’ve kept this in mind while designing these original therapeutic activities for children, including worksheets, stories, and therapy games. Print these tools out for use in the home or classroom or use them in a counseling session.

Use the navigation links on the left of this page to view tools in a specific category. Or use the search function at the top of this page to find the exact tool you are looking for.

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Remembering What Comes Next (Kids)

This fun activity is intended to help kids with their “working memory.” Working memory refers to the ability to hold and manipulate information over short periods of time. It’s essential for tasks that require focus, problem-solving, planning, and following instructions. This fun worksheet asks kids to remember 12 things that a boy had to remember by looking at the pictures, and then drawing them on the next page. It then gives tips for kids on techniques to improve their working memory. (0924, ADHD, executive functioning skills)

Keep Trying Even If It’s Hard

This fun game challenges children to persist with their efforts even when they are stressed, tired, in a bad mood, or if the task is very hard. Players roll the dice and answer questions about dealing with stressors while they are trying to accomplish a task, be it chores, homework, studying for a test, or completing a project. Playing with an adult who models appropriate behaviors like self-encouragement is a great way to build the skills of patience and persistence (0924, grit, ADHD, executive functioning)

Evaluating Homework Assignments

This log is designed to help parents or teachers record how students are doing in completing their assignments. When completed online (i.e. digitally) it can be interpreted by the PsychAssist software from Between Sessions Resources. (0824. ADHD, homework, parenting, distractions, focus)

Making a Plan (Kids)

This worksheet teaches children the executive functioning skill of planning ahead through a five-step process. It asks them to make a plan that will help them buy a gift for a friend or relative and then make a second plan for a goal important to them. (0824, executive functioning, thinking ahead, ADHD)

Shape Breathing (Kids)

This worksheet teaches children how to use deep breathing to relax, calm down, and focus. Children are asked to trace a Star with their fingers. Directions on the Star help them monitor their breathing. (deep breathing, relaxation, self-calming)

Children and End-of-Life Grief Rituals & Memorials

Created by the National Alliance for Children’s Grief, this booklet gives adults guidance on how to talk to kids and teens following the death of a loved one. It includes guidance on subjects like viewing the body, explaining what happens to the body, and how to involve children and teens in end-of-life rituals and memorials. This is a thoughtful and comprehensive guide with links to a variety of other resources. (0724, death, grief, grieving, loss, healing)

I Worry About Going to School (Kids)

This worksheet is designed to help children who avoid going to school due to worries about their health or the health of others. (0724, school phobia, fears, separation anxiety, health anxiety)

Using Good Manners (Kids)

This worksheet is intended to help children think about manners at mealtimes and throughout the day. (0624, ADHD, behavior problems, social skills)

Body Scan Meditation for Children

This 6-minute audio is designed to help children who are concerned about their health. The progressive relaxation audio teaches them to be aware and mindful of each part of their body. The worksheet includes a link to other audio as well as a transcript if you would rather read the meditation to a child. (0624, relaxation, health anxiety, body awareness, mindfulness)

Having a Great Conversation

This worksheet helps children learn that a good conversation is based on “give and take,” talking and listening. (0624. social skills, ASD, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD)

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