This worksheet teaches children the executive functioning skill of planning ahead through a five-step process. It asks them to make a plan that will help them buy a gift for a friend or relative and then make a second plan for a goal important to them. (0824, executive functioning, thinking ahead, ADHD)
This worksheet is designed to help children who avoid going to school due to worries about their health or the health of others. (0724, school phobia, fears, separation anxiety, health anxiety)
This worksheet is intended to help children think about manners at mealtimes and throughout the day. (0624, ADHD, behavior problems, social skills)
This worksheet helps children learn that a good conversation is based on “give and take,” talking and listening. (0624. social skills, ASD, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD)
This worksheet teaches children the importance of kind acts. It asks them to write down the kind acts they do in a week. (0524, behavior, ADHD, ODD, oppositional, emotional intelligence)
This worksheet is intended to encourage children to ask for the right kind of help when they don’t understand what is expected of them. (0324, listening skills, ADHD, impulsivity)
This positive discipline game includes a board game that teaches children the importance of good behavior as well as a behavioral system that can be used by parents to promote good behavior. The program includes the board game, Good Behavior Bucks, and a Rewards Penny Pitch. (1123, behavior program, positive discipline, anger control, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ADHD)
This 11-minute audio can help children calm down and relax when they are angry. It includes a transcript of the audio in case you would prefer to read it to a child. (0823, anger, behavior problems)
You can cut out and assemble the 50 card decks in this deck in minutes and play it with individual children, or groups of children, or assign it to families. Each card describes a conflict children are having, and players must come up with a good compromise to the conflict. The game is most effective when played with an adult who models problem-solving, respect for others, and empathy. A digital version of this game is available in the Virtual Counseling Rooms. (0823, conflict resolution, social skills, anger control)
This worksheet asks kids to think about the importance of giving compliments to others. (0723. friends, social skills)