It takes just a few minutes to assemble this full-size board game with complete decks of cards that encourage family communication, solving family problems, dealing with change, responsibilities in the family, and more. This game is for families with kids 5 and up. It includes “blank” cards Studies show that family meetings improve communication, diminish behavior problems, and help parents teach values to their kids. (1024. family therapy, communication)
This log is designed to help parents or teachers record how students are doing in completing their assignments. When completed online (i.e. digitally) it can be interpreted by the PsychAssist software from Between Sessions Resources. (0824. ADHD, homework, parenting, distractions, focus)
This worksheet teaches children how to use deep breathing to relax, calm down, and focus. Children are asked to trace a Star with their fingers. Directions on the Star help them monitor their breathing. (deep breathing, relaxation, self-calming)
This worksheet is intended to help children think about manners at mealtimes and throughout the day. (0624, ADHD, behavior problems, social skills)
This worksheet teaches children the importance of kind acts. It asks them to write down the kind acts they do in a week. (0524, behavior, ADHD, ODD, oppositional, emotional intelligence)
This worksheet is intended to encourage children to ask for the right kind of help when they don’t understand what is expected of them. (0324, listening skills, ADHD, impulsivity)
This worksheet teaches kids to think about their emotions and how they affect their behavior. (0324. ADHD, anger control, social and emotional learning)
Each note encourages children to use emotional and social skills to help them be more resilient in the face of everyday problems. On the back side of each note, parents can write personal words of encouragement. (1123. emotional intelligence, EQ, resilience, behavior)
This positive discipline game includes a board game that teaches children the importance of good behavior as well as a behavioral system that can be used by parents to promote good behavior. The program includes the board game, Good Behavior Bucks, and a Rewards Penny Pitch. (1123, behavior program, positive discipline, anger control, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ADHD)
Kids and teens can use this jar to express their feelings. (1023. emotional regulation, feelings, communication)