Body Scan Meditation for Children

This 6-minute audio is designed to help children who are concerned about their health. The progressive relaxation audio teaches them to be aware and mindful of each part of their body. The worksheet includes a link to other audio as well as a transcript if you would rather read the meditation to a child. (0624, relaxation, health anxiety, body awareness, mindfulness)

Having a Great Conversation

This worksheet helps children learn that a good conversation is based on “give and take,” talking and listening. (0624. social skills, ASD, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD)

Be a Member of the Kindness Police

This worksheet teaches children the importance of kind acts. It asks them to write down the kind acts they do in a week. (0524, behavior, ADHD, ODD, oppositional, emotional intelligence)

Using Notes to Remember What Is Expected of You (Kids)

This fun worksheet asks children to think about how to use notes to focus on expected behaviors. (0324, behavior, ADHD, following directions)

Asking for Help When You Don’t Understand Directions

This worksheet is intended to encourage children to ask for the right kind of help when they don’t understand what is expected of them. (0324, listening skills, ADHD, impulsivity)

The Emotions Thermometer (Kids)

This worksheet teaches kids to think about their emotions and how they affect their behavior. (0324. ADHD, anger control, social and emotional learning)

10 Things to Do When You’re Angry (Kids)

This workbook for kids teaches techniques to help children under their anger and express it appropriately. Techniques include identifying anger triggers, talking about feelings rather than acting on them, becoming aware of when their anger “temperature” rises, changing negative thoughts to positive ones, and so on. (0224. anger control, emotional regulation, temper tantrums)

Affirmation Bookmarks (Kids)

These 24 affirmation bookmarks are intended to build self-confidence and self-esteem. (1223, self-esteem, affirmations, self-confidence)

Emotional Intelligence Notes (Kids)

Each note encourages children to use emotional and social skills to help them be more resilient in the face of everyday problems. On the back side of each note, parents can write personal words of encouragement. (1123. emotional intelligence, EQ, resilience, behavior)

Catch Me Being Good

This positive discipline game includes a board game that teaches children the importance of good behavior as well as a behavioral system that can be used by parents to promote good behavior. The program includes the board game, Good Behavior Bucks, and a Rewards Penny Pitch. (1123, behavior program, positive discipline, anger control, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ADHD)

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