Achieving Your Goals One Step At A Time

This worksheet is designed to help individuals break down a main goal into specific achievable steps. (goal-setting, 1014)

Learning To Self-Soothe

This worksheet is designed to help individuals learn emotional regulation skills. The worksheet asks people to identify activities they can do to calm their emotions and then rate the success of each technique. (DBT, emotion regulation, 0614)

Show Your Feelings Role Play Games

Get people talking about their feelings with three “cut and tape” dice games. These games are fun to play and a great way to encourage kids, teens, or even adults to talk about their feelings.

Evaluating Medication For ADHD

This thorough report will help people compare every aspect of taking medication for ADHD, from effectiveness, to safety concerns, to cost. The report was prepared by a non-profit division of Consumer Reports called Consumer Reports Health . (PDF)

Motivational Bookmarks

These bookmarks can be used to remind clients about the importance of self-encouragement. PDF

Breaking a Problem or Task Into Small Steps

This worksheet will help people who having a difficult time solving a problem or are procrastinating about a particular task.

Arriving Late To Class

This worksheet explains what a student should do if they are late to class. (Form Type: PDF)

Ways to Control Anger

This worksheet helps clients keep track of their progress on learning anger control techniques.

Learn About Feelings

Use this worksheet to help kids and teens talk about basic feelings.Form Type: PDF

When You are Supposed To Pay Attention

This worksheet will help kids and teens identify behaviors that distract others.PDF