Anger Control
Progressive Relaxation (Audio)

This 31-minute audio created by Dartmouth Health Service will people cope when they are feeling anxious or stressed. (0822, anxiety, relaxation techniques)

Learning How to Calm Down Quickly

This worksheet gives people simple ideas to turn off the “fight or flight” response.  A chart is included to help people keep track of which techniques are most effective. (0822, anxiety, calming, self-calming)

Using the 7 Cs to Manage Stress (Teen)

This worksheet describes 7 ways to manage stress.  It asks teens to make a mini-poster showing how they might use each coping technique.  (0822, coping, emotional regulation, stress)

Improving Your Self-Awareness

This worksheet is designed to help people increase their self-awareness which can help in emotional regulation and in social interactions.  A chart is provided to help people keep track of their thoughts and feelings as they encounter challenging situations. (0722, self-awareness, insight, emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, relationships)

Dealing with Name-Calling (Kids and Younger Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help children and younger teens deal with peers or siblings who call them names.  It suggests six practical and effective ways to handle name-calling. It also contains questions to help kids or teens explore how they react to name-calling. (0722, teasing, behavior problems, sibling rivalry, bullying, Autism, ASD)

The Mindfulness Workbook

This workbook contains 12 worksheets that teach important mindful practices including letting go, being positive, staying in the present, mindful breathing, having healthy boundaries, and more.

Dealing with Losing (Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help teens deal with losing gracefully and with good sportsmanship.  It gives them specific strategies for coping with losing that will let them still enjoy the competition.  (0622, sportsmanship, gaming, games, losing, behavior, social skills, friendship)

Teen Behavior Contract

This behavior contract identifies tasks/behaviors that a teen will work on, rewards/consequences, and a behavioral chart to track progress. (0622, behavior, contract)

Unload Your Problem Backpack (Kids and Teens)

This worksheet asks kids and teens to think about the problems, worries, and upsetting emotions that are “weighing them down.” It uses the metaphor of a Problem Background to help kids and teens identify the thoughts and feelings that are causing them problems and how to let them go. (0622 , depression, anxiety)

Your Life Playlists (Teens)

This worksheet can help teens use music to deal with stress and express their feelings. (0622, music therapy, emotional regulation)