Boosting Your Confidence By Becoming a Positive Role Model (Teen)

This worksheet is designed to help teens see the advantages of being positive role models for others. (1121, self-image, self-esteem, role-model, behavior, shyness, anxiety)

Your Most Important Assignment Is YOU Teen Workbook

This workbook is designed to help teens learn a variety of mental health skills to deal with anxiety and depression, as well as other common mental health problems.

Staying Safe in Risky Situations (Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help teens assess risky situations and make decisions will keep them safe. (risk, resiliency, decision-making, ADHD, 0821)

Making Emotional Deposits in Your Relationship

This worksheet teaches the importance of making more deposits than withdrawals in a relationship. (0610, relationships)

Learning Assertive Communication (Teens)

This worksheet helps teens understand the assertive, aggressive, and passive communication. (0521, assertiveness, communication)

How Healthy Is Your Relationship? (Teens)

This worksheet asks teens questions to help them determine the characteristics of a dating relationship. (0421, relationship, dating)

How Do You Deal with Emotional Pain

This worksheet is designed to help people build resiliency by understanding how they react to emotional pain. (0421, resiliency, awareness, self-perception)

Reducing Conflict with Your ADHD Teen

This worksheet suggests more than 15 strategies to help parents improve their relationships with their ADHD teen. It also gives them a chart to help evaluate the success of their strategies. (0321, ADHD, relationships, parenting)

Understanding Your Social Circles

This worksheet is designed to help people understand their relationships. It is intended to help people see that there are ways to build more stable relationships built on trust and understanding. (Personality Disorder, Bipolar, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, relationships, community, 0920)

The Problem with Being a People Pleaser

This worksheet is designed to help people who put pleasing others as more important as trying to fulfill their own needs and desires. The worksheet helps people understand how people pleasing can be a problem and gives them specific ways to practice balancing their own needs with the needs of others. (assertiveness, depression, self-esteem, self-image, 0720)