Treat Yourself Like a Good Friend

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the importance of self-compassion and to treat themselves as they would a good friend. (depression, anxiety, addiction, prevention, 032719)

Do You Often Feel Guilty or Ashamed?

This worksheet is designed to help people who are overwhelmed with guilt and shame. It helps people examine the causes of these feelings and what they can do to get closure. It also teaches the concept of self-compassion. (depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, guilt, shame, self-compassion, 0319)

Do People Say You Talk Too Softly?

This worksheet is intended to help people who get constant feedback that they talk too softly. It helps people consider the reasons they talk softly and then take steps to change the way they communicate. (social anxiety, speech and language, 0219)

Are You Anxious About Dating?

This worksheet can be used with people who have social anxiety to help them overcome symptoms that may keep them from dating. The worksheet uses the principles of exposure therapy to help people address this problem. (0119)

What Is Your Attachment Style?

This worksheet is designed to help you determine the attachment style (secure, anxious, or avoidant) you bring to your important relationships. Suggestions are given to help people who are anxious or avoidant in their relationships. (0119)

Stages of Change

This worksheets describes a 5-step model which can help people consider whether they are ready to make a significant change in their lives. (0119, motivation)

How Do You View Yourself?

This worksheet is designed to help people develop a positive self-image using 12 assignments including developing a kinder inner voice, understanding what you can control and what you can’t, avoiding comparing yourself to others, and more. (self-esteem, positive psychology, depression, anxiety, 1218)

Are You Oversensitive to Criticism?

This worksheet is designed to people identify situations where they are oversensitive to criticism and to develop strategies for countering that pattern. (social anxiety, shyness, criticism, 1218)

Understanding How Social Media Affects Your Social Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help people understand how social media can affect their social anxiety. It asks people to keep track of the time they spend on social media and note the positive and negative effects it has on their real-life relationships. (1218)

Do Some Good Pocket Guide

This pocket guide from the UK Mental Health Association has some great ideas to help people help others. It also reviews studies showing how acts of altruism increases our own mental health. (altruism, RAOK, 0111)

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