Drinking Tracking Cards

Many people with drinking problems choose moderation over complete abstinence, however moderation assumes that people can control their drinking. These cards are designed to help people take responsibility for their drinking by setting a daily goal and keeping track of their actual drinking each day. Form Type: PDF (0315)

Creating an Emotional Emergency Kit

Some people are prone to becoming overwhelmed by their emotions. Usually caused by specific triggers, their intolerable level of emotions may then lead to symptoms, such as panic, alcohol or substance abuse, self-injury, or depression. This worksheet is designed to help people develop a set of positive coping techniques that can help them tolerate difficult emotions and refrain from self-defeating behaviors. (addiction, self-injury, impulsivity, prevention, 0315)

Choosing Abstinence or Moderation

This worksheet is designed to help people with addictions determine whether they will be more successful in moderating their addictive behaviors or completely abstaining. The worksheet includes a rating scale of factors that might make it harder for people to moderate their addictions, as well as questions to discuss with a therapist or counselor. (addiction, substance abuse, 0215)

Looking at the Big Picture

This worksheet is designed to help people put their problems into perspective. Taking an art therapy approach, people draw their small problems in little frames and the important things in their lives in the big frame. This worksheet can be a good opening to introduce a discussion about values. (values, art therapy, problem-solving, 0215)

Preventing and Managing Relapses

This worksheet will assist clients in developing an awareness of when they are at risk for a relapse and how to appropriately respond. Form Type: PDF (121614)

Your Perceptions About Yourself

This worksheet asks clients to think about themselves objectively, based on the facts in their lives rather than on a subjective interpretation of their experiences. This exercise is derived from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT, 1114).

If the Problem Were a TV Show

This worksheet is a Narrative Therapy technique which can be used to help clients get more perspective on their presenting problem and see that they have the power to change their “life story.” (narrative, therapy, problem-solving, 1114)

Life Goals Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help individuals identify goals in seven broad areas: Health, Financial, Professional, Relationships, Enjoyment, Personal Growth and Community/Spiritual. (goal setting, 1014)

Learning To Self-Soothe

This worksheet is designed to help individuals learn emotional regulation skills. The worksheet asks people to identify activities they can do to calm their emotions and then rate the success of each technique. (DBT, emotion regulation, 0614)

Recording and Changing Pessimistic Thoughts

This worksheet can be used to help people understand how pessimistic thinking is affecting their mental health. It is designed to record and change faulty thinking in a single day. PDF