Understanding the Reasons for Your Choices and Behaviors Through Self-Reflection

This worksheet takes people through a process of thinking about their behaviors including understanding their needs and desires, identifying behavioral patterns, thinking about their values and beliefs, and more. (0724, insight, depression, trauma)

Understanding Your Goals

This worksheet, based on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is intended to help people see the importance of setting realistic goals. It asks people to envision how they want their future to look and then write 3 realistic goals that can guide their decisions and behaviors. It also asks them to think about people who can help them achieve their goals and designate small steps with each one bringing them closer to their goals. (0324, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, goal-setting, problem-solving)

Use Scaling Questions to Help You Achieve Your Goals

This is a technique advocated by Solution Focused Brief Therapy. It encourages clients to continually rate their progress in addressing their problems on a 1 to 10 scale. (0324, motivation, solution-focused therapy)

Managing Urges Using the 3-P Approach

The 3-P Approach includes three simple steps: Pause, Process, and Postpone. It is a helpful strategy for managing overwhelming urges and unhealthy, impulsive behaviors. It can empower you to take control of your reactions and postpone impulsive or harmful actions. This worksheet gives people the opportunity to learn this technique and apply it their impulsive behavior. (0123, addiction, habit control, impulse control)

Understanding Cannabis Abuse

This worksheet is designed to help people determine if taking cannabis is affecting their daily functioning, health, and overall well-being. It includes a checklist of symptoms and a series of questions for people to reflect on the implications of cannabis use on their life choices. (1123, addiction, cannabis, habits, lifestyle)

Resist Urges Using the DEADS Strategies

The DEADS strategies provide a practical framework for managing urges and breaking habitual patterns. The acronym stands for delay, escape, avoid, distract, and substitute. This worksheet explains this technique and asks the user to keep track of his or her urges, the strategies used, and the results of using them. (1123. addiction, urges, impulse control)

Start the Day Right Journal

This journal consists of prompts to focus people on the day ahead, including thoughts on gratitude, goals, body and mind, etc. The journal consists of 31 pages for a month’s worth of entries. (1222, journal, wellness, positive psychology)

Help for The Holidays

This workbook contains 15 worksheets to help clients who are struggling with holiday problems like loneliness, family estrangement, depression, and more. (1222, holidays, stress, depression, drinking problems)

Do You Feel Like You Have Failed Yourself?

This worksheet is designed for people who are down on themselves because they have not accomplished all that they wanted. The worksheet helps people see that this attitude is not at all helpful to their well-being and gives them 10 strategies to overcome their habit of self-criticism. (1222, depression, self-esteem, negative thinking)

Learning Contentment – Mindfulness Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help people explore the meaning of contentment. (1122, mindfulness, happiness)

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