Does Your Loved One Need an Intervention?

This worksheet is designed to help people identify when someone they love needs a mental health intervention.  The worksheet also takes people through the steps that occur during an intervention including identifying the resources needed and the consequences of what will happen if the person refuses to seek help. (0722, intervention, addiction, family therapy)

Do You Have a Dysfunctional Family?

This worksheet helps people understand how their family of origin might have contributed to their current psychological problems.  It asks them to think about ways in which their family was unsupportive or even detrimental to their growth.  Questions help people explore how dysfunctional problems can come from different generations and manifest themselves in the present. (0722, family therapy, relationships, families)

Using the T.I.P.P. Technique to Tolerate Distress

This worksheet describes the T.I.P.P. Technique used by advocates of DBT to deal with intense emotions. The acronym stands for:  Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Paired Muscle Relaxation.  A chart is included for clients to keep track of which technique is most helpful.  (0122, DBT, emotional regulation, emotions, grounding)

Staying Sober During the Holidays

This worksheet offers 11 suggestions of how people can deal with drug or alcohol addiction during the holidays.  Questions guide people to creating a plan for staying sober. (1221, holidays, addiction, alcoholism, drugs)

Coping with Family Estrangement During the Holidays

This worksheet is designed for people who are cut off from important family members during the holidays.  It suggests specific coping techniques to make sure that the holidays don’t trigger mental health problems. (1121. depression, anxiety, holiday, family therapy, 113021)

Do One Thing Differently

Clients learn to re-orient their thinking. (1121, problem-solving, solutions, depression, anxiety)

What to Do If You Want to Take a Break From Medication

This worksheet is intended to help people determine if they are ready to take a break from psychiatric medication. It provides important steps to take in considering this decision as well as a chart to keep track of moods and symptoms.

Are You Addicted to Work?

This worksheet is designed to help people determine if they are addicted to work, and have a chronic and progressive psychological, emotional, and social dependence on work. The worksheet provides a checklist and scoring system to determine if people are a workaholic. (0921, workplace, addiction)

Creating Sexual Boundaries (Sex Addiction)

This worksheet is designed to help people dealing with a sex addiction create Inner Boundaries, Middle Boundaries, and Outer Boundaries (0521. Sex addiction)

Understanding Sex Addiction

This worksheet is designed to help people determine if they have a sex addiction and understand the consequences of their behavior. (0521, sex addiction, sexuality)