Anxiety Disorders
Develop the Habit of Relaxation

This worksheet is designed to help people develop a daily habit of relaxation to reduce stress and improve their physical and mental health. The worksheet suggests various relaxation activities and includes a chart to help people keep track of them. (1222. relaxation response, stress reduction)

Learning Contentment – Mindfulness Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help people explore the meaning of contentment. (1122, mindfulness, happiness)

Using a Thought Diary

This 7-column form is designed to help people keep track of the situations and thoughts that cause them distress and create “rebuttals” to thoughts that are dysfunctional. The form is frequently used in CBT therapies for anxiety disorders and depression. (1122, anxiety, exposure therapy, CBT, dysfunctional thinking, emotional regulation)

Understanding the Window of Tolerance

This worksheet explains the concept of the “window of tolerance,” which is the optimal zone of arousal to function in a healthy manner. People who have experienced trauma may have a relatively narrow window of tolerance. On either side of the “window” are hyperarousal, a state of activation and energy, and hypoarousal, a slow down or even a shutdown state of response.  This worksheet gives people suggestions on how to expand and stay within their window of tolerance.  (1022, PTSD, trauma, emotional regulation)

Between Sessions Journal

This simple journal will make every session more meaningful! Within 24 hours after each session, the client is prompted to create notes on 8 areas about what happened in the session, including important things discussed in-session; feelings (expressed and unexpressed), unexpressed thoughts, and homework assignments. Then, before each new session, the client is prompted to respond to quotes about their thoughts, feelings, creativity, and much more.  There are also two reoccurring rating scales that ask clients to rate their progress and assess their mood. (1022, journal, homework assignments)

Walking in the Forest (Audio)

This 10-minute audio was created to help people cope when they are feeling anxious or stressed. (0922, anxiety, relaxation techniques, audio)

Is Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting) a Problem for You?

This worksheet helps people identify if they have Emetophobia, a fear of vomiting, and encourages them to explore how this affects their lives. (0922, phobia, vomiting)

Identifying Triggers

This form helps clients identify triggers and habits and ways they can increase alternative behaviors. (triggers, impulsivity, 0922)

Task Completion

This form helps clients develop a strategy to realistically estimate time for specific tasks. (ADHD, time management, 0922)

Controlling Your Urges

This form helps clients control the urge to do something they know is self-defeating or harmful. (0922, impulse control)