Self Injury
How Do You Deal With Conflicts?

This short questionnaire gives clients the opportunity to identify their behaviors and attitudes as assertive, aggressive, passive, or passive-aggressive, and provides some information about conflict strategies. (conflict management, communication)

Recording Dysfunctional Thoughts

This form can be used to by clients to record and change dysfunctional thoughts and to see how these thoughts affect their moods.

Identifying Your Support System

This worksheet is designed to help people identify a support system of individuals they can contact in times of emotional distress. (support system, social networks, depression, stress management)

Making Positive Statements About Yourself

This worksheet encourages people to make positive statements about themselves.

Pushing Your Anger Buttons

This worksheet is designed to help people identify situations or events that trigger their anger.

Emotions Below the Tip of The Iceberg

This worksheet is designed to help people identify emotions they hide from others. (emotional intelligence, feelings, relationships, 0214)

Understanding Why You Hurt Yourself

This worksheet helps people think about the reasons they self-injure. PDF

Avoiding Things You Use to Hurt Yourself

This worksheet is designed to help people who self-injure make harmful objects less accessible. PDF

Understanding Your Self-Esteem

This worksheet is designed to help people see if they perceive their positive and negative qualities accurately.