Anger Control
Does Your Loved One Need an Intervention?

This worksheet is designed to help people identify when someone they love needs a mental health intervention.  The worksheet also takes people through the steps that occur during an intervention including identifying the resources needed and the consequences of what will happen if the person refuses to seek help. (0722, intervention, addiction, family therapy)

Improving Your Self-Awareness

This worksheet is designed to help people increase their self-awareness which can help in emotional regulation and in social interactions.  A chart is provided to help people keep track of their thoughts and feelings as they encounter challenging situations. (0722, self-awareness, insight, emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, relationships)

Handling Disagreements in a Healthy Way

This worksheet suggests how to have “healthy” disagreements, which can actually strengthen relationships.  The worksheet gives specific strategies on how people can take a more productive approach to disagreements.  It then gives questions to help people analyze what they did right or wrong in a recent argument. (0722, communication, relationships, arguing, anger)

What to Do if You Struggle with Expressing and Understanding Your Emotions

This worksheet is designed to help people if they have alexithymia, “the reduced ability to connect with and understand your own and others’ feelings and emotions.” A checklist is given to help people identify whether they have this problem and if it might be an underlying cause of other struggles.  The worksheet gives three steps to help people learn to identify and express their feelings plus techniques on how to practice these steps.  (0522, emotions, emotional regulation, emotional intelligence, communication)

Coping with Microaggressions

This worksheet is designed to help people deal with “microagressions, ” brief verbal, behavioral, or situational actions and statements that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults toward members of oppressed or targeted groups. Microaggressions may demean a person’s race, gender, weight, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, age, disability, or health status.  The worksheet describes a process on how people can think about and react to microaggressions. (0522, prejudice, discrimination, diversity, aggression)

Dealing with a Person Who Belittles You

This worksheet is designed to help people who deal with someone who is condescending, insulting, or dismissive in an attempt to make them feel inferior.  It suggests five different strategies to deal with people who are belittling and provides a place to record the success of their attempts to deal with this kind of behavior. (0422, relationships, anger control, communication, assertiveness)

Increasing Self-Control by Strengthening Your “No-Go” Functioning

This worksheet has 9 strategies to help people develop self-control.  A chart is also provided to help people keep track of their “no-go” efforts.  (0422, impulse control, ADHD, addiction, compulsive behavior eating disorders)

Being Still – Mindfulness Worksheet

This Mindfulness Worksheet helps people learn to just be still.  It suggests mindful tasks to practice while being still and asks people to describe their reactions to being still. (0422, mindfulness, meditation, ADHD, anxiety, focus, multi-task)

Acceptance of Our Circumstances (Mindfulness)

This mindfulness worksheet helps people accept what happens to them in life, rather than dwelling on disappointment and resentment. (0322, mindfulness)

Coping with Emotional Distress Using the RESISTT Technique

The RESISTT Technique is a DBT technique to help people deal with overwhelming emotions. The acronym stands for: Reframe the Situation, Engage in a Distracting Activity, Someone Else, Intense Sensation, Shut it Out, Neutral Thoughts.  The worksheet helps people understand how each technique can help them in regulating their emotions. (0122, DBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, emotional regulation)