Increasing Self-Control by Strengthening Your “No-Go” Functioning

This worksheet has 9 strategies to help people develop self-control.  A chart is also provided to help people keep track of their “no-go” efforts.  (0422, impulse control, ADHD, addiction, compulsive behavior eating disorders)

Being Still – Mindfulness Worksheet

This Mindfulness Worksheet helps people learn to just be still.  It suggests mindful tasks to practice while being still and asks people to describe their reactions to being still. (0422, mindfulness, meditation, ADHD, anxiety, focus, multi-task)

Coping with Trauma Following an Automobile Accident

Automobile accidents are common and many people are traumatized by this kind of event. This worksheet helps people assess whether their symptoms would be considered post-traumatic stress. It gives people nine strategies to deal with stress, including things they can do by themselves and things they can do with a professional.  A chart is included to help people write down and rate which strategies work best in helping them deal with post-traumatic stress caused by the accident. (0422, trauma, PTSD, accident)

Create a Simple Family Genogram

This worksheet for teens is designed to help them talk and accept difficult feelings related to changes in their families. (0322, teen anxiety, teen depression, resiliency, positive thinking)

Acceptance of Our Circumstances (Mindfulness)

This mindfulness worksheet helps people accept what happens to them in life, rather than dwelling on disappointment and resentment. (0322, mindfulness)

Solving Your Problems in Five Simple Steps

This worksheet describes a five-step process of solving problems helping people generate possible solutions and take appropriate actions.  (0222, problem-solving, simple solutions, brainstorming, goals)

Map Your LIfe to Make Changes

This worksheet helps people identify the changes they want to make in their lives, the things that are holding them back, and the “bridges” they need to build to get where they want to go. The worksheet uses the metaphor of a map to help people see what they need to create their own future. (0222, problem-solving, goal setting, beliefs, executive functioning)

Coping with Emotional Distress Using the RESISTT Technique

The RESISTT Technique is a DBT technique to help people deal with overwhelming emotions. The acronym stands for: Reframe the Situation, Engage in a Distracting Activity, Someone Else, Intense Sensation, Shut it Out, Neutral Thoughts.  The worksheet helps people understand how each technique can help them in regulating their emotions. (0122, DBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, emotional regulation)

Using Self-Validation to Accept Your Thoughts & Feelings

This worksheet helps people understand the DBT concept of self-validation, acknowledging, allowing, and accepting your thoughts and emotions.  The 4 steps of self-validation are: Observe, Acknowledge, Allow and Understand.  A chart helps people practice these four important steps. (0122, DBT, self-acceptance)

Using the T.I.P.P. Technique to Tolerate Distress

This worksheet describes the T.I.P.P. Technique used by advocates of DBT to deal with intense emotions. The acronym stands for:  Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Paired Muscle Relaxation.  A chart is included for clients to keep track of which technique is most helpful.  (0122, DBT, emotional regulation, emotions, grounding)