Workplace Issues
Restore Your Career Confidence

This worksheet is designed to help people who lack confidence and have low self-esteem related to their job or career. It suggests six psychological exercises to help people explore their feelings and pay attention to how their skills and talents can enhance their work and the rest of their life.

Are You Addicted to Work?

This worksheet is designed to help people determine if they are addicted to work, and have a chronic and progressive psychological, emotional, and social dependence on work. The worksheet provides a checklist and scoring system to determine if people are a workaholic. (0921, workplace, addiction)

Do You Suffer From Compassion Fatigue?

This worksheet is designed to help people in the helping professions determine if they have compassion fatigue. (0921, depression, self-care, burnout)

Uncovering Unhelpful Core Beliefs

This worksheet helps people examine their core beliefs by analyzing a thought that has been bothering them. (0921, coaching, values, value system, belief system)

Develop Daily Habits to Support Your Goals

This worksheet helps people develop a plan to develop daily habits which can reduce stress and move them closer to achieving their goals (0821, coaching, goals)

Setting Goals Using the GROW Model

The GROW model is a solution-focused framework used for problem-solving, goal setting, and performance improvement. Created by Sir John Whitmore, GROW is an acronym for Goals, Reality, Options, and Way forward (or Will). (0821, career development, goals)

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

This worksheet helps people think about stretching out their comfort zone to achieve their life goals. (0821. Coaching, decision-making, problem-solving)

Preparing for a Difficult Conversation

This worksheet helps people prepare for a difficult conversation and reflect on ways they can improve their communication skills. (0821, coaching, communication skills)

Questions to Ask Yourself When Making An Important Decision

This worksheets helps people examine their thoughts, feelings, and biases about specific decisions. (0721, problem-solving, decision making)

Reducing Your Bodies Unhealthy Stress Responses

This worksheet asks people to identify the symptoms and behaviors they believe are related to stress. It then gives them suggestions on ways to deal with stress. (stress, 0621)