Managing Insomnia & Other Sleep Problems with CBT-I

CBT-I helps people recognize and change the unhelpful thoughts or worries that keep them awake at night. The worksheet gives people the five steps to overcoming the negative thinking that keeps them awake as well as sleep hygiene tips and a sleep log. (0923. sleep disorders, insomnia, CBT-I)

The Motivation Workbook

This workbook has 20 techniques to help people find the motivation they need to change. Motivation is a much more complex issue than most people, involving at least 12 areas of the brain. This workbook goes well beyond popular psychology concepts of visualization and affirmations, using evidenced-based techniques the workbook helps people set goals, increase flow experiences, improve self-efficacy, overcome doubt, and more. (0823. resistance, change, therapeutic alliance)

Energy and Fatigue Tracking Log

This tracking log is designed to help people gain insight into their energy levels and fatigue patterns, providing valuable information for understanding their overall well-being. By monitoring and tracking energy fluctuations throughout the day, people can identify potential factors that may be impacting their mental and physical health. The log can also be useful in treating depression and eating disorders. (0823, eating disorder, depression)

Grit Meditation

Grit is a personality trait defined as the passion and perseverance to achieve long-term goals. Grit essentially embodies the concepts of resilience, determination, tenacity, and endurance. This 9-minute audio is designed to help people focus on and foster their grit. (0723, resilience, wellness, success)

Clarity Meditation (Audio)

This 10-minute audio is designed to help people clear their heads and develop their focus. (0623, audio, cognitive therapy, CBT)

Reconnecting with Your Inner Child

Inner child healing is a therapeutic process that involves addressing and resolving emotional wounds, traumas, and unmet needs from your childhood. This worksheet takes people through a process of visualizing their younger selves, thinking about challenging emotions or experiences from their childhood, creating a timeline of important events, developing a conversation with their inner child, and more. (0623. depression, bipolar, introspection, insight, trauma)

EMDR Progress Notes and Worksheet

This form is used to document the progress of a client’s EMDR therapy sessions. EMDR is a specialized therapeutic approach that focuses on resolving traumatic experiences or distressing memories by integrating bilateral stimulation techniques, such as eye movements, taps, or auditory tones, to facilitate the processing of the trauma. This worksheet explains to clients the reasons for using EMDR and helps them record data for the EMDR process. (0623, EMDR, trauma, PTSD)

Coping with Intrusive Images Using the Imagery Rescripting Technique

This worksheet helps clients that struggle with intrusive, disturbing images, change them through imagery rescripting (ImRs). ImRs is a therapeutic technique that can help change negative or distressing memories by creating new, positive, and empowering images. (0523, GAD, OCD, anxiety disorders, trauma, memories, intrusive images)

Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI)

The Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI) is a self-report measure to monitor how often individuals engage in cognitive behavioral thought-challenging interventions. Cognitive flexibility enables people to think adaptively when encountering stressful life events, and it is a core skill that helps them avoid becoming stuck in maladaptive thinking patterns. (0423, assessment, cognitive flexibility, executive functioning)

The Trauma Recovery Workbook: 20 Techniques to Help You Move Forward After a Trauma

This workbook is designed to help people learn new ways to recover from trauma. It includes worksheets on understanding how trauma affects the body, talking about the trauma, understanding boundaries, developing learned optimism, and much more. (0423, trauma, PTSD)